ARS FAQs Heading link
How are staff appointments selected for the reporting system?
Appointments are sorted by Banner sub-organizations within department. If your department does not have any sub-organizations, then all academic staff appointments will be listed in alphabetical order under your single Banner organization code. If you have subdivided your unit, then appointments will be sorted at that level. Each appointment for a staff member will show the position number, the fund type and the account as it is recorded in Banner. When salary is paid to the individual, this will be displayed in the Year-to-Date pay box on the report.
What is the calendar for the activity reporting system?
Appointment data for academic staff is selected from the Banner HR and Payroll system at the start of the contract year. The Office of Institutional Research will notify Departments each term when appointment data for the academic staff has been loaded to the ARS system. At the same time, OIR will load data from the Banner Student/ Schedule to the ARS so that Departments can see the assigned sections for faculty and teaching assistants. The section assignments for the term are taken directly from the Banner database as they are entered by the Schedule Planner in each unit. Section assignments and instructor changes must be made in Banner by the department Schedule planner, and will load automatically to ARS nightly until finalized each term.
When do I report activities for academic staff in my office?
Reporting begins in the mid-fall and continues to the end of the academic contract year.
What should I do if a person is performing activities that do not fit with the guidelines for that source of funds or program function?
Change the source of funds used to pay the individual. Your department should change the person’s labor distribution in Banner to a correct source of funds and if necessary, do an earnings transfer for previous payments from the wrong source. The changes will be captured after the next payroll is processed and will be reflected in the Activity Reporting System.
What if a faculty member or academic staff person receives a 0% administrative stipend?
ARS includes 0% FTE appointments in its reporting. The campus has established a policy that Notice of Appointment (NOA) is the official record of an individual’s Institutional Base Salary (IBS). Administrative stipends (at zero percent FTE) are an internal processing mechanism used to distinguish and maintain a faculty member’s base professorial salary as separate from any administrative salary and to reflect the increased level of responsibility assigned to the administrative appointment. This process is consistent with the University’s Administrative Salary Policy.
What should I do if I think that data are missing for one of my staff or if the pay is incorrect?
Please be sure to check with HR in your unit to see if there have been any changes to the appointment for that staff member. The staff appointments included in the ARS are taken directly from the Banner system after each payroll. If someone is missing, it could be that the appointment was not processed in time for the payroll calculation – and we will catch them after the next payroll. You should also check if the labor distribution for that person matches your CFOAP to be sure that they have been paid from the correct source. It might be possible that the appointment has been assigned to a different CFOAP. If you are still uncertain about the data for an individual in your unit, you can send an e-mail to us at